
Should I consider barefoot training?

In recent years, barefoot training and minimalist footwear have become increasingly popular topics of discussion, particularly within the fitness and physical therapy communities. This trend can be attributed to several factors, including the rise of minimalist footwear options such as the Nike Free and Vibram FiveFingers, as well as the influence of the best-selling book Born to Run. The book highlights the indigenous Tarahumara tribe of Mexico, who are known for running barefoot over hundreds of miles with incredible endurance and minimal injury.

How To Get Your Own Lumbar Traction, For Free!

Do you have achy lower back pain? Does it feel like your lower back just needs to stretched out? Well look no further as we have the solution for you!
A spinal traction unit that you can purchase for home use!

April fools (yes I realize I am a day late on this)! While I am selling you that I also have a bracelet to improve your balance, abdominal electric belt to get that 6 pack and an amazing new time share that you would love!
